The Allen Hall Advertising Rebrand 

This project was an effort to reshape the public face of Allen Hall Advertising (AHA). I art directed, redesigned the logo, made a guidebook, and directed and produced a creative short. Gosh, I’m running out of breath because I really put my heart and soul into this project—it took a year!! So much more on

It’s impossible to summarize AHA in a single paragraph, so we’ve created an entire film.

Some of my favorite frames from the short:

A quick look at our brand new website:

Me, Bjorn, and Ainsley created this guidebook to introduce our new members to a brand new image of AHA by using bright colors, big fonts, and concise writing.

Redesigned the logo. See how it’s being used @allenhalladvertising on Instagram.

Took some headshots of our team members and used the photos for so many fun purposes such as the “About Us” section of our website.

Used the headshots to design these posters to hire some new folks for 2024-2025

Strategy: Audrey Alan

Art Direction: Christina Nguyen, Dat (Charlie) Nguyen
Design: Ainsley Mcrae & Dat (Charlie) Nguyen
Copy: Bjorn Johansen

Production: Dat (Charlie) Nguyen